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A Reminder to Moms

Friday, March 03, 2006

Dear Sisters,
I just came across a very poignant writing that I want to share with you. It is a powerful reminder to us as to what is truly important in this life. The author is Missey, a homeschool mom of three children ages 10, 8, and 5. Read her blog entry for December 19th, 2005. Then I will comment.

"This is the first year that I have given myself permission to take all of December off from schooling and it has been wonderful!

Anyway, that's why I've been so quiet lately. We have been enjoying lots of family time this month. I think a month-long break is just what we needed! We have played games, eaten pizza, looked at Christmas lights, listened to Christmas music, burned scented candles, tried new recipes, enjoyed family get-togethers, gone shopping (both IRL and online), watched the birds, made Christmas ornaments, and lounged around in our PJ's and slippers as much as possible. :-D Life has been so laid-back and relaxed that I don't know how we'll ever get back on track come January, but I'm not going to think about that right now. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I'm enjoying making memories with my family and letting all the worries and stresses roll right off my back. They'll be there for another day. But for today I'm going to get my Love Bank filled back up with kisses and hugs and quiet conversations (while making those same kinds of deposits into each of my loved one's Love Banks) and regain the strength to face all those worries and stresses that will still be waiting for me come January. I think that by then they won't seem so big anymore anyway."

Missey died March 2, 2006 of complications due to a c-section. She left behind five children including the baby.

I'm not trying to make homeschool converts, I post this as a reminder to us all not to get caught so up in busyness that we lose sight of what is genuinely important - that is loving our husbands, our children, and our friends, nurturing them in the knowledge of the Lord. I have a feeling that today no one in that home cares about the dishes, the laundry, the grocery shopping that needs to be done, nor the homework. But they do have cherished memories of time spent together with Mom.

Hug your kids an extra time today.

Share your faith.

"Chill" a little and create a memory.

Let the dishes wait a little while longer.

Make deposits in someone's "Love Bank"

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." - James 4:14

Posted by Drewe Llyn, Girlfriend's Mentor at 9:51 AM

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